Have you ever heard the term "full-coverage auto insurance" and wondered what this means? Many people know what this means, but some do not. If you are new to car insurance, you might not understand this term. A full-coverage policy generally includes three coverage types, and here is an explanation of these types.
The first coverage you receive with any auto insurance policy is liability protection. You can get a liability-only policy if this is the only coverage you want or buy a full-coverage policy.
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Even if you offer professional services and even if you have taken steps to protect yourself and your business, you might not have heard of errors and omissions insurance. Since this might be an insurance type that you have never even heard of, you might not really be able to imagine why you might need it. However, if you offer professional services for a living, you need to know certain things about errors and omissions insurance, including the things listed below.
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Car insurance providers don't charge the same rates to all drivers. If you are designated as being a high-risk driver, then you're likely to have to pay higher premiums.
While you may expect your auto insurance to cost more, this doesn't mean that you can't make some savings in other ways. How can you reduce your insurance costs here?
Work Out Why You're a High-Risk Customer
Auto insurance companies have various classifications for high-risk customers.
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If you are an insurance professional in the state of New York, there are continuing educational standards that need to be met. Currently, the requirement is every two years, and this applies to your particular area of practice. These requirements are due to changes in insurance laws that undergo expansion and revisions. There are a few aspects of this process that you should understand, especially if this is your first time going through it.
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While most U.S. states require a certain minimum amount of auto insurance coverage for all drivers, there are some drivers who still wonder if auto insurance is the absolute necessity car insurance companies proclaim it to be. The simple answer is yes. Car insurance is necessary for drivers today. Here's why.
Distracted Driving Reigns Supreme
The sad reality is that on the roads today, distracted driving is a problem of monumental proportions.
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