Without adequate insurance on your vehicle, you could be at a far greater risk of suffering devastating financial losses and other liabilities due to being involved in an accident. While insurance will be able to drastically reduce these hazards, individuals are misinformed about the protections their plans provide along with what to expect from insurance coverage through a company like Reinhardt's Insurance Agency.
Myth: Insurance Is Not As Important For Those With Older Vehicles
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Floods are one of the worst natural disasters to be put through. They can cause destruction within minutes, putting a lot of fear into you as a homeowner. If you think your property could be affected by a flood, you'll certainly need flood insurance. Buying this type of policy can go smoothly if you utilize these tips.
1. Assess Your Property's Flood Risk
Since getting flood insurance will cost you a monthly fee, it's important to find out if you really need it for your property.
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If your home goes up in flames, you expect that your homeowner's insurance will cover it. What may surprise you is that some causes of home fires are not covered! Before something happens to your home that involves fire and you breathe a sigh of relief believing that you are covered, check the following list of covered and not-covered causes of home fires:
Lightning Strikes
Lightning strikes are covered because you cannot prevent, control, or predict lightning strikes.
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The decision to allow your teen to get behind the wheel is a big one. Not only are you putting a great deal of responsibility into the hands of your child, but you can also put out a great deal of money to cover the cost of their insurance. Fortunately, car insurance coverage for a teenager does not have to break the bank. Learn what cost-savings strategies you can apply to their coverage.
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Getting car insurance is a necessity if you own a car and plan on driving it, and there are a lot of different types of coverages you should have on your policy. One of the most common types of coverages is called liability car insurance. This type of car insurance coverage is required for all drivers, and here are several things you should know about it.
The Basics of Liability Coverage
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